




Software Development projects:

Link to my GitHub Repository

Game Development in C# Using Unity 5.4

  • Bowl Master - 3D bowling simulator.  Ball is released by swiping or using a mouse motion on the screen, the time/duration of the motion of movement influences the direction and speed of the bowling ball on the screen.  Game tracks score,clears the lane after each throw, and resets bowling pins.  Object mapping and collision physics help create the experience of bowling in the real world.

Game Development in C# Using Unity 4.6

  • Glitch Garden - Plants vs. zombies clone using graphical assets from a failed game development project. Creation of complex menu systems with slider bars to adjust sound/difficulty, and saving this player preference.  Focus on building project for iOS/Android mobile platforms, extra emphasis on scaling game objects to various screen dimensions while maintaining play-ability.
  • Laser Defender - Player controls a 2-dimensional space ship against waves of re-spawning enemy ships.  Introduced player/enemy health, ways to track 'score', as well as tracking a high score between replays.  Added background effects and tuned the music/sounds to create an enjoyable player experience. Game is NOT frame-rate dependent.
  • Block Breaker - Multi-level game where you break blocks by bouncing a ball off of a paddle, introduction to sprites, game physics, drawing pixel art, and particle effects.  Sound and music were also added improving play-ability. Game was still dependent on frame rate to run so faster systems played the game faster and made it extremely difficult, an important lesson moving forward.  
  • Number Wizard UI - Extension of the first Number Wizard game, adding a user-interface as well as randomization of the computer guesses and publishing the end result to a web-player
  • Text 101 - Text based adventure game where you escape a prison, introduced a game design document and creating a game engine
  • Number Wizard - A very simple guessing game where the computer attempts to guess a number of your choosing

Code 201 at CodeFellows:

Final Group Project, Shopping Cart Site

  • In a 4 person group, over a period of two weeks my group was able to accomplish developing a JavaScript based shopping cart for a site to sell a fake product.  Users were able to create an account, log in, add/remove/change items in the shopping cart, and check-out through a pseudo payment screen.  We also designed and deployed a simple database in order to have an order history to recall instead of having to rely on PC localstorage for our presentation, simulating a better case for a real world example.

Donut Shop:

  • Extension of JavaScript coding, involving objects and methods.  I was required to create a website for a pseudo Donut Shop in Seattle, WA.  From a set of information given; I was to create a front page that could simulate the number of customers to visit each of the 5 locations per hour through out the day, there was also a requirement of being able to also return a total for each business and a net total.  Once this step had been accomplished, we were then needed to add functionality to the JavaScript in such a way that from the front-page a user could add the information for a new location into forms and load it in; then refreshing and simulating the sales for this new location.  Finally we were required to dress it up with CSS, give it a logo, and deploy it.

Guessing Game:

  • Introduction to JavaScript function creation. The goal was to create a game where the user was prompted for a variety of answers in number, string, and boolean forms and depending on whether the answer was correct or wrong a corresponding image was displayed on the screen. At the end of the game it returns a score for the user showing how many were right and wrong, and asks if you would like to play again.

Code 101 at CodeFellows:

Pet Paradise website:

  • Designed as an introductory lesson to Web Design and Front-end development.  It is taught as a one day marathon 12 hour boot-camp, even though I had created websites before on my own it was the first time I worked in a collaborative environment with other programmers.  We were able to move past the requirements for the HTML portion and received extra points for accomplishing some CSS.


link to my GitHub Repository



Artwork Portfolio:

I have a strong artistic background as well, working as a production glassblower directly out of high school for a few years and eventually starting my own small scale lamp-working studio MorganGlassworks.  Even though I no longer operate as a business; glass-working is still a passion and hobby of mine. Lately, I have become more and more involved in photography as an art-form and completely love it.

